The Monotheist Group 18:28 And hold yourself with those who call on their Lord at dawn and dusk seeking His face, and let not your eyes overlook them that you seek the beauty of this worldly life. And do not obey he whom We have made his heart heedless of Our remembrance and he followed his desire, and his fate was lost.
Original Text 18:28 واصبر نفسك مع الذين يدعون ربهم بالغدوة والعشي يريدون وجهه ولا تعد عيناك عنهم تريد زينة الحيوة الدنيا ولا تطع من أغفلنا قلبه عن ذكرنا واتبع هويه وكان أمره فرطا
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