The Monotheist Group 18:21 And it was thus that We let them be found, that they would know that the promise of God is true and that there is no doubt regarding the Hour. They argued among themselves regarding them, so they said: "Erect a monument upon them, for their Lord is most aware of them!" Those whose argument was lost said: "We should construct a temple over them."
Original Text 18:21 وكذلك أعثرنا عليهم ليعلموا أن وعد الله حق وأن الساعة لا ريب فيها إذ يتنزعون بينهم أمرهم فقالوا ابنوا عليهم بنينا ربهم أعلم بهم قال الذين غلبوا على أمرهم لنتخذن عليهم مسجدا
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